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Summer 2021 |
FAQCam approved Master, nobody ever complains, +50 activity points (+50)
Cam approved Master,regulary new photos, 30-50 activity points (+30)
Cam approved Master, 10-29 activity points (+20)
Cam approved Master, lately no new stuff, less then 10 activity points (+5)
Maybe good, not skype approved, no activity points (-10)
I think untrustfull (-50)
Jury thinks something wrong here, not trustfull (-200 points)
Was good Master, sadly inactive to long (-50 points)
A Master that has realtime slaves and proved it (+75)
Award for a Master that is special. (+10)
Winner of special award (+10) Cam approved by the owner of the site (+50)
Thanx for the jury video (+50)
How often can I vote ? you can vote on each single Poll for 1 or more FootKings every second week.
How can get the contact infos of a FootKing? click on the pic and when the FootKing gave me contact infos its written there.
How can I be a Jury Member? join the jury yahoo group, and explain why you are worthy to be in jury Want to be Footking as well, how that works? mail a few pics to and will add you for free and link back to you or contact me skype=footkings Not happy with my rating, what can I do? contact me on skype= footkings or yahoo = kingtim20yo Had bad experience with one of the FootKings, what now? mail me what was wrong and try what I can do, but the deals you do personal with a FootKing is your business, just the promoter, but if a footking is fraud will remove him from sites. I have another question!!! mail me, will answer in less then 24 hours Follow the arrow please and vote on each poll!!!